Friday, February 13, 2009

New Blog Header...

Nothing paper-crafty to share today...but, I did make a new blog header. :-) I was getting tired of Valentine's Day & decided it was time for Spring. Looked through some of my digital scrapbooking kits and went to work. It was fun to play with my digi-kits today.

I'm working on a few things, so hope to have something fun to share this weekend.

Thanks for stopping by...have a fun weekend!!

Digital Credits:
The Lilypad: Ready for Spring- Jenna Desai
Weeds & Wildflowers: Lazy Days of Summer - Gina Marie Huff
Sweet Shoppe Designs: Raggedy Annie - Kay Miller - Robin Carlton - Mandabean


  1. I love the header!! It's so pretty & it really does have a nice spring feel to it! Looking forward to your new goodies! Terri

  2. Morning Deb! Yes as I look out my window at all the snow in the hills it is nice to see a slice of SPRING in your header! lol

  3. Oh, so cute! I could probably get into the digital scrapbooking! :)

  4. 'K! You're gonna hafta teach me how to do that!!
    Super cute - T4S!

  5. Lovin' your new header Deb! I need to learn how to do that kinda stuff too... How fun!

  6. I love the new look and yes I could use some spring around here myself....LOL


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for stopping by my blog. :-)