Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Calgon Take Me Away.....:-)

This last month has definitely made me wish that Calgon would take me away. :-) I'm much better now...thanks for all the sweet emails and blog posts. They are appreciated. We worked on my craft room last week & then had friends from Illinois for a visit. Fun times! During all this my sweet hubby hurt his knee and after visiting the doctor today, it looks like knee surgery is inevitable. :-(

Now that my guests have left and my room is somewhat put together I hope to craft soon. I am in total craft withdrawal...need a fix soon. LOL!

Still have lots of work to do in my room, but thought I would share a few photos of my progress. It looks a bit naked right now. Hope to get art hung soon. Have to buy some more cubes, too. I do love the table that my husband built in the bay window. Have to add the moulding trim to the front, but it is going to be so nice to have such a big area to play. :-) My Cricut corner is a desk that I bought at an auction for $1.00 and painted. This thing weighs a ton. It has lots of storage, too. The little chest I bought for $5 and painted it. It holds stamps and other supplies. I love bargains. :-) I still have tons of craft boxes to unpack...I plan to put cabinets in the garage to store my extra supplies. I will get it all done eventually. :-)

I also have to share a beautiful card made for me by my sweet friend, Marte. Her work is stunning! We did an image swap recently and she sent me this beautiful card along with some of the cutest images and a Tilda stamp. Can't wait to play with my new images. Thanks so much, Marte!!

I am crossing my fingers & toes that tomorrow will be a good day for crafting & blog-hopping. :-)

Thanks for stopping by.....


  1. Good Morning Deb!

    Oh I am soooo sorry about your Hubby's knee.

    Glad to see you back and glad everything is a-ok at your place.

    Your room looks FANTASTIC, love the color you chose, very yummy!

    Do those shutters lead into another room, like a pass thru?

    If you think your room looks bare you should see my house, I need you to come and bargain shop with me! lol

    See I missed you! lol

  2. Awwwww Deb, I love the room. I wish I could come over and play :o)

    Everything looks so neat and nice. Love the colors. I'm sure as time goes on you will be adding more "stuff" and it want look bare to you anymore.

    If you are like me you can think better when it isn't cluttered and full. Just enjoy and think of me when you are in there playing. Hugz, Diane

  3. It all looks great, Deb!! You're all set to get busy & have some serious crafting fun now! Thanks for sharing the pics...My new hubby & I are moving into a new house & I will have a FULL basement to set up in! Yippee! Terri

  4. Sorry to hear about your hubby's knee! Your room looks awesome! Great color! Looks very organized! Very pretty card from your friend too!

  5. OMGosh Deb....your room is fabulous! I'm soooo envious (but happy for you)! I spied all of your Copics too.....lucky girl! teeheehee
    Sorry about hubby's knee.....hope the surgery goes smoothly.
    And it will be good to see you crafting again!
    Huggies ~

  6. Great job on the craft room! Everthing is so organized.

  7. Very nice space! I love the set-up. Sorry about all thats ailing you and your family!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for stopping by my blog. :-)